A bright, shinning object in a dark night sky

Of Infinite Importance

The meaning of life is something sought out by philosophers and ponderers. It’s scrutinized by those soaring through their story and those paddling to stay afloat in the torrent of time. Looking to the past, the mystery has led to the making of monsters. Contrarily, it has pushed people to strive through their prime.

The concept of what contributes meaning to life is a different matter and easier to address. There are many multitudes of actions that can add significance. One of note is observing obscurities, an endeavor will endlessly impress. While obscurities might seem rare, they are really quite ubiquitous.

You many find them in the everyday mundane and in extraordinary events. Upon examination under scrutiny, almost anything can become an elaborate puzzle to appreciate. The number of obscurities is endlessly immense. The nuances of the universe will always have the power to fascinate.

Obscurities bring novel thoughts and feelings. When contemplated closely, they inspire imagination. It doesn’t matter if there’s no scientific solution to meandering musings. Not everything must have an exact explanation.

Because when the world is not admired it seems like an insubstantial smear of time. Thus, it follows that all tasks feel like a futile endeavor. Listlessness is commonplace and certainty is a crime. The trivialness of each day stretches on forever.

But do not forget hope. Seeing each aspect of life as a marvel is like entering an empire of fairies. The joy of commonplace occurrences will color the world like a kaleidoscope. Awe will brush over your skin like the whisper of a warm breeze. 

Don’t be deceived – the endeavor of observing obscurities is not always easy when the mind grows weak with worldly weariness. Although, in this process all things take on infinite importance because these observations make life brighter and turn the humdrum into the miraculous. With this, we do our best to banish depressing dreariness. We attempt to turn away from aphotic depths and focus on what we deem fabulous.

Now, without doubt, not all obscurities are gleeful and glimmering. There are some that are dark and dire. However, they are still worth considering. Only through careful analysis can people prepare to forge through fire.

The changemakers are me and you. Not all frights are fiends to fight. Even so, we must try to see what is true. The truth is a clandestine creature that hides in the night.

All is of infinite importance. Any uncertainty or entanglement or awe-inspiring event may be what gives meaning to the everyday. Undeniably, parsing through intricacies can feel like a performance. Ultimately though, it deters decay.

Even if it exists, the meaning of life might never be found. So, maybe find meaning in the seemingly simple and the indescribable indefinite. Here, thoughts abound. Their importance is indeterminate and infinite.

Looking upwards towards the top of a tree bathed in sunlight

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